Hey all! The OFFICIAL VBS planner schedule (written by yours truly :) will be up within the next couple days. For now, I want to post the schedule that we will be using at our VBS during the actual program. You would not have to follow this exact schedule, in fact, we have not in the past; however, I think this crisp, simple format will make transitions smooth and gives ample time for each activity. We use a three hour, five day program, but you could also tailor this to work for your specific program.
First four days:
9:00-9:20: Welcome, a Song, Prayer, and the Drama
9:20-10:20: Lesson time (this would include the lesson, memory verse, and review game)
10:20-11:05: Recreation (Games, snack and movie or live drama, depending on your needs)
11:05-11:50: Singing, Craft, and Missions (Practice the songs. Then you can either do both your missions moment and your craft time during this period, or rotate days and only do craft or missions each day rather then both. Either way would work well.)
11:50-12:00: Finish up, announcements, prayer.
Last day:
9:00-9:20: Welcome, Prayer, Drama
9:20-10:20: Lesson time
10:20-11:05: Recreation (we don't serve a snack this day because we serve lunch later. If you do not plan on doing that, though, you can stick with the regular snack.)
11:05-11:50: Singing, Craft, Missions
11:50-1:00: Lunch, Party (We usually do a hot dog roast in the backyard-- with adult supervision, of course-- and have the kids eat while a few helpers set up a "Store" where the kids can spend fake dollars that they earn throughout the week by participating, behaving well, and memorizing verses. Then we have a "guess-how-many-beans-are-in-the-jar" game and then we take the children, four or five at a time, and let them browse through the 'store.' The kids love the party on the last day and it's a great end to the week! Even though I always feel like crying the last day!)
So that's my little schedule. If it does not look like it will work for you, I'd be happy to give you suggestions or you could formulate one on your own. If you would like help, just leave a comment telling me what times, etc. you think your VBS will be held and I will respond as soon as possible!
And speaking of comments....
Would you leave some with any questions you have concerning doing a Backyard Vacation Bible School? Seriously, I would love love love to do a Q&A post but I can't give answers without any questions! I can't guarantee that I'll know the answer to everything you ask but I'll certainly do my best.
Take care everyone!
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