Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two Plans in Preparing for VBS

As you prepare for your Vacation Bible School, I would like to give you few practical planners. Like how-tos that will walk you through the process. I know setting up something like this might seem somewhat intimidating at first, and I won't pretend that you can narrow it down to three simple steps. But here are two schedules, each starting at different points during the year. Chose the one that works for you. The latter would probably ensure the best VBS, but by all means still use the first one if you need to.

  • Plan 1: For the Procrastinator

2 Months before VBS:

~Start praying for your VBS.

~Decide when and where this VBS will take place.

~Immediately contact as many friends/church members that you think may be interested in helping as you can. Send emails, call, or both, whatever you think would be most effective. Make sure that all helpers know their responsibilities. If using a skit, make sure that all volunteers have their script.

~Research and order curriculum, or if using the one that will be available at this blog, print it offt. ~If you are teaching the lessons, start reading over it. It is not necessary to memorize it, but you should be fairly familar with the material so that you "are ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you." ~ 1 Peter 3:15. If someone else will be teaching, make sure that he has the lesson plan, along with any other information he'll need.

~Start spreading the word to friends, neighbors, church families, family, etc. Tell anyone and everyone you know that have children who may be interested in coming to your VBS.

~If you're acting in the drama/skit, start memorizing your lines.

1 Month 3 weeks-- 1 month 2 weeks before VBS:

~Continue to pray for your VBS!

~If desired, order any necessary materials/prizes from Oriental Trading Company. I like to set up "Store" the last day of VBS to reward the kids for their work and participation. We give kids fake "dollars" during the week after answering questions and memorizing Bible verses. Then, the last day they can spend those dollars at a store. We usually order quite a few prizes from Oriental Trading ( )

~Start gathering craft supplies.

~Make a list of all the supplies you need. Props for the skit, materials for the lesson, craft supplies, prizes, game supplies, cds, decorations, and anything else that you think you'll need. Start gathering these supplies. For the most part, the actors/actresses in the drama can take care of the costume and props necessary for their character, but you'll want to oversee this.
One month before VBS:

~Continue to pray for your VBS!

~Check around for places to advertise for VBS: (i.e., post on facebook, check for local businesses that may allow fliers for your VBS on a bulletin board, and if you have a community mailbox, post a flier there.)

~Continue gathering supplies. Make sure that you have ordered everything that will need to be shipped.~Touch bases with helpers. Hold a couple meetings, if possible. This can also happen as VBS draws closer.

Three weeks before VBS:

~Continue to pray for VBS!

~Shop around for more materials.

~Make sure that you have plenty of helpers, and that you've gotten a clear response (either affirmative or negative) from all the helpers you've invited. If not, you may want to call the person (or people) that you have not heard from. If you do not have enough staff, pray for more people. God WILL provide and He has the perfect plan.

~Look over your memory verses, skit, lesson, games, crafts, and snacks again. Make sure you're satisfied with these choices and that you're well on your way to having all the materials. ~Continue gathering supplies. You should have the great majority of your supplies by now. ~Touch bases with your drama crew. Make sure that they are gathering the costume/props that they'll need.

Two weeks before VBS ~CONTINUE TO PRAY!!

~Have a daily schedule all ready. There is a sample on this blog of what I use, but of course adjust this depending on your starting time/ length/ situtation.

~Gather more supplies.

The week before VBS

~Pray, pray, PRAY!

~Make sure you have all necessary supplies.

~Finish memorizing your lines in the drama (if applicable) and make sure your drama crew has finished.

~Have another meeting for VBS with your staff.

~Read over the each days lesson once a day.

~Make any necessary last minute adjustments.

~Make a box full of all the materials you will need for each day. Label each box for easy access.

~Shop for snacks.

The day before VBS

~Pray. Remember that God is God. If you have a list of the children who will be attending, pray for each child by name.

~If possible, host a practice for the drama crew to run through the drama.

~Set up decorations and materials.

~Make sure that you have absolutely everything you need printed, purchased, and ready to go. This will make for a less stressful morning. (i.e. make sure the snacks are ready for the next day!)

During VBS:

~Call children by name. Even if you have to use name tags or ask a child their name if you're not sure at first, learn the kids names. This will make each child feel special. You may not be sure the first and second day, but by they middle of the week you'll be surprised how well you know their names!

~Be all there-- that is, try to leave everything else behind you. Focus on the children.

~Get enough sleep every night. This is especially applicable if other volunteers are staying at your house during the week. Discipline yourself to go to bed on time; it will make waking up in the morning SO much easier!

~Pray daily over your VBS. Gather other volunteers to pray before VBS. ~Love on the kids. Develop healthy greeting habits. Make every child feel wanted.

  • Plan 2: For the Planner

7 months before VBS:

~Pray for your VBS.

~Decide the place and dates of the VBS.

~Start recruiting volunteers. People get busy during the summer quickly-- so start inviting people early!~Check out curriculum. Start researching and ordering it. (Or, if using this curriculum, print it off!)

6 months before VBS ~Continue to pray!

~Write up a day-to-day schedule. A sample is posted here:, but by all means adjust it for your needs.

~If desired, order/ buy prizes for a 'store' the last day of VBS. We like to reward good behavior and participation with small fake dollars. They can spend these "dollars" at a "store" the last day filled with candy and small toys! We get prizes at Wal Mart, the dollar store, Target,, and the Christian Book Store.

~Continue to send emails and call potential helpers. Keep them in the loop. If doing a drama, email out the scripts; and, if participating in the drama yourself, start memorizing lines.
5 months before VBS

~Continue to pray

~Start regularly reading over the lesson plan, or give the lesson to the teacher if you're not teaching. It does not need to be memorized, but be familiar with it.

~Continue gathering supplies for games/snacks/lesson.

~Let each drama member know that they will be responsible for their own costume and props. Start gathering general props yourself.

4 months before VBS

~Pray, pray, pray!

~Start inviting friends/family/church members/neighbors with children who might come.

~Gather more supplies.

~Hold a meeting or two for helpers.

3 months before VBS


~Touch bases with helpers and make sure that no one is confused. Also, you may want to call people that have not yet answered affirmatively or negatively.

2 months before VBS

~Pray for your VBS.

~Make sure that your drama crew has most of their props. Make sure that you have all the other props, too.

~Check around for places that you can advertise your VBS (mail boxes, facebook, local stores with bulletins, etc.)

~Keep gathering craft supplies, game supplies, and, if desired, prizes.

1 month before VBS


~Continue memorizing drama lines and make sure your drama crew has them memorized.

~See to it that you have most of your materials.

2 weeks before VBS

~Pray fervently!

~Hold another VBS meeting with your staff.

~Finish gathering craft supplies and lesson materials, as well as prizes.

~Finish memorizing your drama lines (and make sure that your drama crew has theirs memorized!)
1 week before VBS

~Pray and pray!

~Separate each days materials into boxes labeled for each day.

~Buy snacks and snack ingredients.

~Do a last check to make sure you have all crafts, drama props, game supplies, prizes, and snacks

~Do a door-to-door type thing in your neighborhood. Go all around your neighborhood and tell people about your VBS. Be positive and polite and remember to smile. You always have an opportunity to be a light for Christ!

The day before VBS

~Pray, pray, pray, pray, and pray. This is the best thing you could ever do for your VBS. If you have a list of most of the children who will be attending, pray for each child by name.

~If possible, host a pre-VBS meeting with your staff. You can have a lunch or dinner and everyone can help decorate, as well as have a run-through of the drama.

~Decorate for VBS.~Make sure all the little details are taken care of (i.e. make the snack for the next day!)

~Have everything ready to go! Don't leave too much for yourself to do in the morning!

During VBS:

~Call children by name. Even if you have to use name tags or ask a child their name if you're not sure at first, learn the kid's names. This will make each child feel special. You may not be sure the first and second day, but by they middle of the week you'll be surprised how well you know their names!

~Be all there-- that is, try to leave everything else behind you. Focus on the children.

~Get enough sleep every night. This is especially applicable if other volunteers are staying at your house during the week. Discipline yourself to go to bed on time; it will make waking up in the morning SO much easier!

~Pray daily over your VBS. Gather other volunteers to pray before VBS.

~Love on the kids. Develop healthy greeting habits. Make every child feel wanted.

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